Kristina Cho, Author
Saturday, February 8, 2025 | 5:00 - 6:00 PM
800 Grant Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94108
*this event is ticketed with limited capacity.
Order your copy of Kristina's Cookbook!
Kristina Cho is a cookbook author, home cook, and baker based in the San Francisco Bay Area. Her debut cookbook, Mooncakes and Milk Bread, won her two James Beard Awards in 2022, Best in Baking and Emerging Voice. Chinese Enough is her upcoming follow-up cookbook, filled with homestyle Chinese American cooking. Her cookstyle is influenced by her Chinese heritage, Midwestern upbringing, and sunny life in California. She's also the creator of Eat Cho Food, where you can find all her creative and joyful recipes.
IG and Tiktok: @eatchofood
Website: eatchofood.com
Kristina Cho 是烹飪書作家、家庭廚師及烘焙師,以三藩市灣區為基地。她首部烹飪書 Mooncakes and Milk Bread 為她贏得 2022 年 James Beard Awards 兩個獎項 —— 烘焙獎以及新秀獎。她即將出版的第二本烹飪書 Chinese Enough 則滿滿是美國華裔家常菜。她的烹飪風格深受其華裔傳統之承傳、中西部成長的經歷和加州陽光明媚的生活影響。她也是網上飲食博客 Eat Cho Food 的創作者,載有她創意十足、歡樂滿分的食譜。
社交媒體戶口:IG 和 Tiktok 都叫 @eatchofood,主網頁為 eatchofood.com