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Performance by TNT Traysikel

Edge on the Square is dedicated to bringing together diverse artists and creative professionals. Our signature event is our annual contemporary art festival, which showcases the work of established and emerging artists. The festival is the first of its kind in Chinatown and features a variety of vendors, merchants, art installations, performances, and food throughout the area. Our festivals are collaborative and multidisciplinary, celebrating both multi-cultural and inter-cultural connections.

Edge's signature event returns on 

September 7, 2024

Sponsor Our Festival!

Under the Same Sun

September 30, 2023

Edge on the Square presents Under the Same Sun: Reimagining the Edges of Chinatown, its second annual contemporary art festival, to celebrate the enduring radiance of San Francisco Chinatown. As constant as the sun, are the residents, community members, organizations who continue to rise, persist and shine in the face of adversity. The past year has yielded moments of darkness; extending from the war in Ukraine to polarized rulings by the US Supreme Court impacting Americans’ freedoms, civil rights and liberties. The overturning of Roe vs Wade, affirmative action, and support of discriminatory policies are poignant reminders that the critical work for social justice and equity are continuous and ongoing.

Under the Same Sun festival poster

Neon Was Never Brighter

April 30, 2022

Neon Was Never Brighter, reflects on Chinatown’s fortitude - by honoring its unique history and diverse cultural landscape. It affirms an initiative of optimism and hope for the future. Despite the severe challenges of the past and current years, the neighborhood's tenacity and resilience endure. Neon is a metaphor for Chinatown’s brightness and  strength – a “light” that is embodied by and reflected through the people. As such, the festival’s title is Chinatown's self-proclamation that it has never shined brighter against the darkness of adversity because its light is from within. Neon Was Never Brighter focuses on the notion of Chinatown “personified.” It celebrates this unique neighborhood identity by symbolically giving it a face, body and voice. 

Neon Was Never Brighter festival poster
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