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KOEX, K-pop Dance Medley

KOEX is Lowell High School’s K-pop dance cover team. They perform various K-pop dances at school and community events. KOEX are three time winners of the Korean Education Center of San Francisco’s Annual K-pop contest. They are active on Youtube, Instagram, and Tiktok where they post performances and dance videos. KOEX aims to bring people together through their passion for dance and K-pop. They are dedicated to growing as dancers, both as a team and individually, and hope to showcase their hard work in each and every performance. Performing in High Five is Mikah Jasmine Eusebio, Sophia Cardona, Terumi Leong, Ava Lee, Sabrina Wong, Madeline Yang, Megan Feng, and Riley Chon.

KOEX是Lowell高中的韓國流行舞蹈團體。他們在學校和不同社區活動中表演韓國舞蹈。KOEX 曾經三次獲得由三藩市韓國教育中心舉辦的,年度韓國舞蹈大賽的冠軍。他們活躍於YouTube、Instagram及Tiktok,主要用來發佈表演和舞蹈片段。KOEX希望藉著大家對於舞蹈和韓國文化的熱愛,將人們聚集在一起。他們著重作為舞蹈員的成長,不論是團體或個人,都想將他們努力練習的成果在每個表演中展示出來。參與High Five藝術節的舞蹈員包括:Mikah Jasmine Eusebio、Sophia Cardona、Terumi Leong、Ava Lee、Sabrina Wong、Madeline Yang、Megan Feng和Riley Chon.

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