Live Sound Bath
Friday, May 31, 5:00 - 7:00 PM
Artists: Jeffrey Yip x Macro Waves and Tai Chi workshop by Chinatown elders
For the closing of Within Others exhibition, Edge on the Square presents an experimental live sound bath by Jeffrey Yip x Macro Waves and a Tai Chi workshop by Melissa "Alex" Medel on Friday, May 31, 5:00 - 7:00 PM. In the act of re-gathering, we reimagine and remember the transformative power that lies within ourselves and within others, letting the forces of collective care draw us towards each other and towards Collective Futures.
Melissa "Alex" Medel debuted her official teaching career for San Francisco Recreation and Parks Department in 2016. After being granted an official authorization to teach from Simmone Kuo, headmaster of Lien Ying Tai Chi Chuan Academy, one of the oldest Tai Chi studios in Chinatown, San Francisco, Alex began teaching in recreation centers all across SF. Within the next few years, she would dedicate thousands of hours teaching Tai Chi, teaching within city departments as well, such as libraries, the police department and City Hall. Now she dedicates time growing her programs in the Bay Area and helping her clients achieve better health through movement.
《共情時刻——Within Others》展覽即將閉幕,藝在棱角將於5月31日下午 5 – 7 時,呈獻 Jeffrey Yip x Macro Waves 的實驗性現場聲頻浴演出,並邀得 Melissa "Alex" Medel 主持太極工作坊。希望大家透過重新聚集,從頭想像和憶起我們與他人皆有轉化的能量,讓集體關懷之力拉近大家之間的距離,迎向《集體未來》。
Melissa "Alex" Medel 於2016年正式受聘於三藩市休閒及公園處,開展她的教學生涯。Alex 得到三藩市華埠其中一所歷史至為悠久的太極拳館 ── 連蔭太極拳學院的院長郭連蔭師傅授權後,便於市內各康樂中心授徒。及後數年,她為太極教學奉獻了幾千小時,更於多個市政部門大樓開班,包括圖書館、警署及市政廳。現致力擴充其灣區教學項目,幫助各大客戶以肢體活動改善健康。